Quick Guide to Decluttering Your Home

Cluttered room

Decluttering your home can be a daunting task, especially if you've accumulated a lot of possessions over the years. However, the benefits of a clutter-free home are numerous, including reduced stress and anxiety, increased productivity, and a more organized living space.

Determining when to declutter your home is a personal choice and can depend on a variety of factors like the amount of clutter, lifestyle changes, stress levels, or emotional attachment. Ultimately, the decision to declutter is up to you and what feels right for your personal situation. Don't feel pressured to declutter just because it's a trend or because others are doing it. Take the time to assess your own needs and preferences, and make a decision that feels good for you.

Here are some tips to help you get started on your decluttering journey:

Start small: Begin with one room or even just one area of a room. This will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and make the process more manageable.

Sort items into categories: Create piles for items to keep, donate, sell, or throw away. This will help you stay organized and make decisions about what to do with each item.

Be ruthless: Don't hold onto items out of guilt or obligation. If something no longer serves a purpose or brings you joy, it's time to let it go.

Stay motivated: Set goals for yourself, such as decluttering one room per week, and reward yourself for reaching them. Enlist a friend or family member to help keep you accountable and motivated.

When should I declutter?

Knowing when to declutter can help you create a more organized and peaceful living space. Here are some possible contexts and reasons when you might want to declutter your home:

Before a move: If you're planning to move to a new home, decluttering your current space can make the packing and moving process much easier. Plus, you'll have less to unpack and organize in your new home.

Seasonally: Some people like to declutter their homes every season, as a way to refresh their living space and keep it from becoming cluttered and overwhelming.

When you're feeling stressed: Clutter can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety, so decluttering your home can be a great way to create a more calming and relaxing environment.

When you're feeling overwhelmed: If your home is cluttered and disorganized, it can be hard to feel motivated or productive. Decluttering can help you regain a sense of control and focus.

No matter when or why you choose to declutter your home, it's important to take it one step at a time and not feel overwhelmed. Start small, with one room or even one drawer, and go from there. Remember that decluttering is a process, and it's okay to take your time and do it at your own pace.

Decluttering for a move?

Moving to a new home can be an exciting and stressful experience. One of the most challenging aspects of moving is figuring out what to do with all of your belongings. Be sure to start early. Give yourself plenty of time to sort through your things and decide what to keep, donate, or sell. Make a plan and decide which rooms or categories of items you want to tackle first. Breaking the task down into smaller parts can make it feel less overwhelming.

Ashley with moving boxes

When deciding what to keep and what to get rid of, be honest with yourself. If you haven't used or worn something in over a year, it's probably time to let it go. Consider your new space. Take into account the size and layout of your new home when deciding what to bring with you. If you're downsizing, you may need to be even more selective about what you keep. Instead of throwing everything away, consider donating gently used items to a local charity or selling them online. Not only will this save you money on moving costs, but it will also help others in need.

Finally, feel free to contact me if you need assistance decluttering, packing, and donating during your move.



Ashley Ingraham is a very organized Mom of a daughter in Baltimore, Maryland. Always creative she was a double major of Studio Art and Education at Furman University and spent the beginning of her career as a teacher in Baltimore City. After staying home with her daughter she founded Home Perspective to share her Organization skills and eye for design to make others homes and lives better. Her business has been featured in Baltimore Magazine, Oprah & Entrepreneur. When not busy helping people organize their lives she can be found at concerts all over the country or busy raising her tween daughter.

Contact Ashley to learn more about organization, estate clearing, moving services, or speaking opportunities at ASHLEYL.INGRAHAM@GMAIL.COM or (443)386-3438.