Happy New Year!

laptop, book, and book bag

Sunset on the Monday of  Labor Day Weekend is arguably one of the saddest nights of the year. I am aware that it's technically not the official start of Fall, but it kind of is right? (I also know that Labor Day was never created to be the end marker of the pool season.) I know that the majority of schools are in full swing, we're back in our early morning routines, back to carpooling and buses, back to homework, back to school newsletters, and after school activities. The days are busy but the routine is back. Ahead of your children is a whole fresh start, a clean slate, a blank page. It's your new year now too. I spent 13 years of my career as a teacher, so I've come to think of September as my New Year. I love the summer, and all the fun that it brings but I'm also happy to be back to a consistent schedule which makes my life so much easier. Sure the mornings are earlier, and the homework nightly but with that your children are occupied and accounted for 8 hours! Yippee!!!

4 Tips for a fantastic September and Rest of The Year...

  1. Take Down The "Home Gallery": Take down any and all artwork, whether it be in the hall, on the fridge, or on a door. Photograph all of these items with your phone and upload them to whatever photo site you prefer. Create an album of your Children's artwork, as the year progresses and more pieces come home, snap a photo of each piece and upload it to the album. One day when there is a sale or promotion you can turn the album into a beautiful coffee table book of your children's artwork. I've been doing this for years and I highly recommend it!

  2. Make Way For a Permanent Record: Create a file for each child and their current grade. Here you stash all the quizzes and tests, papers, and poems. When the folders come home at the end of the day don't let the piles build on your desk or kitchen counters. (This does not mean you save everything! I have recycled many an item in the dark of night, past bedtime, which my daughter will never know.)

  3. Take Advantage of The Evening: Math has never been my strong suit but trusts me when I say that 5 minutes spent in the evening saves you 15 in the morning. Promise. Make the lunches, put the backpacks by the back door, and lay out the clothes the night before. While you're at it figuring out how to set the alarm on the coffee maker, you will wake up just like the Folgers ad with the smell of coffee brewing, but it will be better because the coffee won't be Folgers.

  4. Meet The Parents: It's a busy month but takes the time to meet the parents in your child's class. Make the effort to have a coffee, friend them on Facebook, or better yet organize a night out. It makes it easier to organize playdates when you know the parents, you will have people you can text with questions about the soccer schedule, find someone to help you out in a pinch, or even fellow parents to complain to about homework. Remember it takes a village! -Ashley

Ashley Ingraham is a very organized Mom of a daughter in Baltimore, Maryland. Always creative she was a double major of Studio Art and Education at Furman University and spent the beginning of her career as a teacher in Baltimore City. After staying home with her daughter she founded Home Perspective to share her Organization skills and life experience to make others homes and lives better. Her business has been featured in Baltimore Magazine, Oprah & Entrepreneur. When not busy helping people organize their lives she can be found at concerts all over the country or busy raising her tween daughter.